Tag Archives for : Words

Spanish words with different meaning in masculine and feminine
Nouns and adjectives in Spanish, as in many other languages, have gender. So, when you learn a new word, it is important to know if it is masculine or feminine..
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10 curious words in Spanish
Spanish is such a rich language and has many curious words as regards their meaning or the way they sound. Here we show you 10 curious Spanish words that are.
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Spanish idioms related to animals II
We have so many idioms related to the animal world. That’s why we had to create the second part of our original post, in this infographic by The Pack you.
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Ñ, a very cañí letter
There is no better letter that better characterizes the Spanish language than the letter Ñ. This letter is a symbol and appears in more than 17,700 Spanish words. The story.
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12 English words with no direct translation into Spanish
In one of our previous posts, we compiled a list of Spanish words with no direct translation into English. This time, we have done the opposite and we have searched.
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10 Spanish words with no direct translation into English
Anyone who speaks at least two languages will have experienced that sometimes, it is difficult to find a specific word to translate a term or concept. Sometimes it may happen.
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