Category Archives for : Grammar

Adjectives with different meanings using Ser and Estar
The differences between SER and ESTAR are one of the trickiest parts of Spanish grammar. Did you know that there are adjectives which change their meaning depending on what verb.
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False friends
False Friends is the name given to those words that they are written in the same way in two different languages but their meanings are totally different. If you speak.
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Verbs of change in Spanish
If you are learning Spanish, you surely will have had problems when using verbs such as hacerse, volverse, convertirse or llegar a ser. These are called verbs of change in.
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Prepositions in English
One of the most difficult parts of learning a foreign language is the correct use of the prepositions. If English is not your mother tongue, you may have had doubt.
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Differences between POR and PARA
We know how difficult is for a student of Spanish to understand the differences between por and para, that’s why we want to help you! Check out this infographic where you.
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